update August, 2021: China has changed its policies relating to foreign English teachers. This indicates that unfortunately, Magic Ears isn’t hiring at the moment. We will update this post as we hear more. Here’s the current from the Guardian:
“On 23 July, China’s highest governing body, the state council, released new policies barring for-profit companies from tutoring in core curriculum subjects, and foreign investment in such companies.
The step was announced in part as a measure to minimize pressure on parents and students in China’s hyper-competitive education field.”
In this Magic Ears review, I’ll let you know exactly what it’s like to work for this company. I must know, I’ve been a Magic Ears teacher for 3 years now and have taught over 4,000 classes!
Plus, I’ve been involved in lots of other fun secondary jobs such as training co-teachers, interviewing candidates, beta testing lessons, and hosting live shows for Magic Ears subscribers with my whole family as co-stars.
Teaching English online has become popular as a lot more people (like me) are working from home. Magic Ears has been such a blessing not just to me, but to my entire family.
In this Magic Ears review, I’ll share the requirements, pay, hours, pros and cons, and how to apply to become a Magic Ears teacher.
What is Magic Ears?
What Are The Magic Ears requirements To become a Teacher?
How much Does Magic Ears Pay?
How Can I Maximize My incomes at Magic Ears?
What materials Do I need For Magic Ears?
How lots of hours Can I work at Magic Ears?
How Do I apply To Magic Ears?
What Is The Magic Ears interview process Like?
Magic Ears Review: My First-Hand Experience
Magic Ears Review: The Pros
Magic Ears Review: The Cons
Is Magic Ears a good fit For You?
What is Magic Ears?
Magic Ears is a Beijing-based innovative online English learning company for students ages 4-12.
Started in 2016, Magic Ears focuses on narrowing the education gap for less privileged children in China through its affordable, multi-student platform.
Teaching phonics – how to pronounce the letter “n” and “m”
Magic Ears teachers help open doors for children to become the first in their families to attend college, to get an advantage in an increasingly competitive world, and to connect with other Chinese students located across the globe.
As a Magic Ears teacher, you’ll be teaching up to 4 students per 25-minute class and may not see the same student twice.
Bookings are confirmed by the Magic Ears system on a daily basis for the next day’s (Beijing Time) classes.
There are no monthly teaching minimums either and you receive four complimentary cancellations per month, which indicates you can take pleasure in utmost flexibility with your schedule!
What Are The Magic Ears requirements To become a Teacher?
The Magic Ears requirements are as follows:
Be a native English speaker from the United States, Canada, the UK, Australia, South Africa, or new Zealand
Hold a Bachelor’s degree (or higher), or be in active pursuit of a Bachelor’s degree
Hold a 120-Hour ESL Certification*
Have the proper equipment (i.e., computer, camera, headset) and a strong Internet connection (cabled connection preferred)
Have experience working with children in some capacity
Complete a background check
*Magic Ears uses a fully-accredited 120-hour ESL certification course that’s both TESOL & TEFL approved for just $20. However, applicants are not required to use this program to obtain their certification. compare 120 TEFL courses here.
apply to magic ears
How much Does Magic Ears Pay?
The Magic Ears salary is figured out during the contract signing phase where you may be able to discuss your rate depending on your qualifications.
If you have a Bachelor’s degree or higher in English Language Teaching, early childhood Education, or special education and/or have experience teaching Chinese students with other companies, you may qualify for a higher salary.
Depending on your qualifications, you can earn up to $24 USD per hour (including bonuses) on your first contract. The maximum pay any Magic Ears teacher can earn with bonuses is $26 USD per hour.
Magic Ears pay is issued on the 10th service day of each month for the previous month’s earnings.
You can opt to be paid by means of PayPal or wire transfer, the latter of which you are responsible for covering any fees charged by your bank for receiving the funds.
How Can I Maximize My incomes at Magic Ears?
As one of the higher-paying online ESL companies on the market, Magic Ears uses a number of opportunities to maximize your earnings.
Available Bonuses
For regular (a.k.a. main Course) classes, you can earn:
$1 per class taught for canceling fewer than 21 classes within 24 hours of class in a calendar month, and coming to least 2 minutes prior to class.
$1 per class taught for opening at least 60 height Time slots per month.
For standby classes, you can earn:
$2 for each standby class taught.
Many teachers who are unable to open 60 height Time slots per month will gravitate towards standby classes so they can earn a $2 bonus offer when they pick up and show a standby class.
Magic Ears also regularly uses special opportunities for teachers to earn obtainable incentives for doing everything from opening certain time slots by a deadline to sharing a review of Magic Ears or posting about the company on their social networks.
Maximize your incomes with Magic Ears, then kick back and kick back after class!
Teacher Ranking
Magic Ears believes the only competition that must be needed for the teaching environment lies with yourself, striving to always improve and supply students with impactful learning experiences.
All Magic Ears teachers begin at the “Sophomore” rank.
As you grow your skills and meet the certain teacher and teaching environment requirements, you can rise in the teacher ranks to take pleasure in higher booking rates and opportunities for greater raises upon contract renewal.
Contract renewal Benefits
Every six (6) months, it’s contract renewal time! If Magic Ears makes a decision to renew your contract, you may have the opportunity to cash out your “Peak Carrots” (earned by opening slots) for a base pay raise or a cash bonus.
Aké materiály potrebujem pre magické uši?
Here’s everything you’ll need to be a Magic Ears teacher:
Access to a desktop computer or laptop
(Sorry, Chromebooks and iPads will not work with the Magic Ears teaching Platform!)
A headset with a microphone
A webcam
(External webcams will supply the best quality picture & lighting, but are not required.)
Strong Internet connection
Great lighting for both you and your classroom environment
A kid-friendly, clean background (click here for background ideas)
A quiet environment
At least two (2) relevant props for each class
(Think kids’ toys, whiteboards, magazine or newspaper cutouts, or even digital props.)
You will not be expected to have all of these items in place for your initial interview Demo, but will certainly need them by the time you sign your contract to teach!
As far as technical configurations go, here are the minimum requirements:
Internet: 20mbps download and 5mbps publish minimum.
An ethernet cord is highly recommended for Internet and platform stability. (Pro-Tip: even if you have high-speed WiFi, this will help cut down on any outages or other WiFi-related issues that could result in a penalty.)
Computer: Windows desktop or laptop later than Windows 7, or Mac desktop or laptop later than MacOSX 10.11.
Processor: CPU I5 4th Generation, models with suffixes M, HQ, HK, and above.
Memory (RAM): 4GB and above.
The Magic Ears teaching platform is a program that you will download onto your computer rather than a web-based platform like other companies.
It’s highly interactive, so, while the specifications provided above represent the minimum requirements, it’s recommended to use a computer that exceeds these minimums for a a lot more stable performance.
Koľko hodín môžem pracovať v Magic Ears?
There are no minimum monthly teaching hour requirements with Magic Ears!
You can show as much or as little as you like. However, the a lot more slots you open, the a lot more likely you will get booked and the a lot more you will earn.
Did you know that Magic Ears books classes for you? The system books your opened slots based on student demand and teacher ranking.
The a lot more class slots you open, the a lot more bookings you’re likely to receive. Magic Ears teaching hours and bookings are confirmed at 10 p.m. Beijing Time (BJT) for the next day’s classes in BJT (both morning and night).
Magic Ears is also soon launching a fixed-classroom option for teachers who want a lot more stability with their classrooms and students.
The teaching platform you’ll use with Magic Ears
Generally, these are the available Magic Ears teaching hours:
Monday – Friday: 5:00 – 9:00 p.m. BJT (5-9 a.m. EDT)
Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 – 11:30 a.m., 5:00 – 9:00 p.m. BJT (9-11:30 p.m., 5-9 a.m. EDT)
Peak hours with Magic Ears will be your best chance for bookings when you’re just starting, as these times represent the class times with the highest student demand.
Magic Ears height Hours:
The Magic Ears height hours are typically available daily from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. BJT, as well as from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. BJT on Saturdays & Sundays.
This schedule will change occasionally with school breaks, holidays, and shifts in student demand, but the Magic Ears teacher Portal will always have the most up-to-date times available.
Ako sa môžem vzťahovať na magické uši?
The Magic Ears application process is simple. Click here to get started, or read on for a lot more details.
Visit the Magic Ears web site and create an account using the “Become a Hero” form. once you have entered your email address and created your password, you will click “Teach Now.”
From here, you will be direcTED do svojej oficiálnej žiadosti, kde zadáte svoje kontaktné informácie a niekoľko ďalších podrobností.
Ak sa uchádzate o vysokoškolský študent, nezabudnite vybrať „vysokoškolského študenta“ na najvyššej úrovni vzdelania.
(Pro-tip: Pri vyplňovaní vašej žiadosti sa uistite, že všetky vaše dokumenty, ako napríklad vaša fotografia, životopis a dôkaz o vzdelávaní, sú všetky formátované ako PDFS alebo JPGS a vyhovujú požiadavkám veľkosti 10 MB alebo menej.)
Všimnite si otázku o certifikáte ESL o žiadosti, ale nebojte sa, je dobré sa prihlásiť bez toho, aby ste mali v ruke.
Pred podpísaním zmluvy však budete musieť získať certifikáciu TEFL s rozmermi 120 hodín. Ak ešte nemáte certifikáciu, nezabudnite vo svojej žiadosti vybrať „ochotný pokračovať“.
Spoločnosť Magic Ears vás tiež požiada o „overenie ESL“, čo je dôkaz, že váš program na udeľovanie certifikátov TEFL je platný.
Príklady akceptovaného overenia zahŕňajú vyhlásenie o akreditácii, oficiálny list o dokončení a snímku obrazovky online overovacieho portálu.
Akonáhle sa dostanete do fázy aplikácie, ste v procese rozhovoru!
aplikovať na magické uši
Aký je proces rozhovoru s kúzelnými ušami?
Na prvý pohľad je to proces rozhovoru Magic Ears:
Vyplňte ukážku rozhovoru (živé alebo zaznamenané)
Skontrolujte školiace materiály
Vyplňte skúšobnú ukážku
Vyplňte kontrolu na pozadí
Podpíšte oficiálnu zmluvu a začnite učiť!
Ale tu je oveľa viac podrobností o procese rozhovoru Magic Ears, ktorý vám pomôže na ceste.
Krok č. 1: Rozhovor s demo s magickými ušami
Po absolvovaní počiatočného skríningu aplikácií budete pozvaní na vyplnenie ukážky rozhovoru.
Budete mať na výber medzi naplánovaním živého demo 1-on-1 s anketárom Magic Ears na výučbovej platforme alebo odoslaním zaznamenaného dema pre tím Magic Ears, ktorý sa má skontrolovať (nie je potrebná platforma!).
S jednou z možností poskytnete krátke vlastné zavedenie a poskytnete demo výučby 3-5 minút. Pro-tip: Tu je príklad dobre zaznamenaného dema.
Táto fáza tohto procesu je väčšinou o dodávke magických uší chuť vášho štýlu výučby a vášeň pre pomoc študentom.
Musíte sa uistiť, že prinesiete veľa energie a veľký úsmev, použite TPR (celková fyzická odpoveď) a hlasové variácie, jasne vyslovte svoje slová a nezabudnite na svoje rekvizity!
Ak odovzdáte ukážku rozhovoru, dostanete e -mail od správcu úspechu Magic Ears.
Tento e -mail bude obsahovať odkazy na školiace videá, pokyny, ako sa s nimi spojiť na DingTalk (kľúčová komunikačná platforma pre magické uši) a pozvanie na naplánovanie vášho skúšobného ukážky.
Výučba študentov s kúzelnými ušami je uspokojivý zážitok
Krok #2: Trial demo s magickými ušami
V skúšobnej demo sa stretnete s trénerom Magic Ears alebo manažérom úspechu, aby ste poskytli demo výučby 10-15 minút. Pro-Tip: Aby ste vám pomohli, kliknutím sem zobrazíte príklad použitej presnej lekcie.
Neočakáva sa, že sa zobrazí celý kurzový náves. Namiesto toho vás tréner alebo manažér úspechu naráža na to, kedy začať a prestať učiť, a počas ukážky budú pôsobiť ako váš študent.
Niektoré veľké veci, ktoré Magic Ears hľadajú:
Vášnivá výučba energie
Dôsledné používanie TPR
Neutrálne prízvuk a hlasové variácie
Základné zručnosti v oblasti riadenia platformy
Použitie prechodných fráz medzi snímkami (t. J. „Pripravené? Poďme!“)
Dobre osvetlené a čisté výučbové prostredie, ktoré sú bez rozptýlenia
Podľa dema výučby vám tréner alebo manažér úspechu poskytne pred uzavretím relácie okamžitú spätnú väzbu o vašom výkone.
Krok č. 3: Prejdite alebo skúste znova
Do 1-2 servisných dní dostanete svoje výsledky prostredníctvom e-mailu. (Nezabudnite skontrolovať priečinok spamu.)
V tejto fáze môžete byť vybraní do programu „Progress to Success“, kde môžete mať príležitosť pokúsiť sa o skúšobnú ukážku znova po nejakej spätnej väzbe/tréningu od tímu Magic Ears.
Po absolvovaní skúšobnej ukážky ste na posledných krokoch – kontrola na pozadí, podpísanie zmluvy a ult